The Gimprich Family Foundation (GFF) Funding Guidelines
Geographic focus: The GFF generally provides funding to organizations based in Israel and from time-to-time may allocate emergency relief grants in other locations.
Strategy: The GFF aims to fund organizations that empower Israeli citizens to address and resolve issues directly impacting their own lives and to strengthen civil society. The GFF aims to identify organizations or projects that will yield significant benefits from a small, but strategic grant. We seek new organizations and ideas and are often one of the first funders to an organization as it is growing its funding base.
Qualifications of grantee: The GFF looks beyond the physical location or subject of a project and considers organizational structure and sustainability. Applications are accepted only from registered non-profit organizations (amutot; malkar status not required) and after a letter of inquiry has been submitted and approved for further funding exploration.
Preferences: The GFF welcomes applications from new (less than five years old) organizations working in Israel’s social and geographic periphery that have an active board and/or volunteers that reflect the constituency of the organization. Preference is given to organizations with an annual budget under $2 million.
Types of funding: The GFF provides funding for clearly defined projects that reflect the grantee’s core mission, as well as general operating support, capacity building (organizational development, evaluation, expanding resources and fundraising), purchase of software and equipment that support these objectives. See below for areas not funded by GFF.
Frequency: Grants are usually awarded for one year with an option to re-apply for additional funding two years after a grant is awarded. Two and three-year grants may be sought and are restricted to organizations previously funded.
Grant Size: In general grants range from $10,000-$20,000 per year. Funding should not be more than 20% of an organizational or project budget unless the funding is for a very short-term project.
Topics of Interest
Cohesion between Israelis of different walks of life, and of national, religious and ethnic origins
Defense and promotion of democratic values
Empowerment of disadvantaged populations
Promoting a sustainable and habitable environment
Intentional communities
Integration of immigrants
The Jewish identity of Israel and of its Jewish citizens
Areas and entities not considered for funding
Large institutions such as museums, universities and hospitals
Special needs populations
Capital improvement campaigns
Direct poverty relief
Organizations established and run by government agencies.
The arts